Conserving the Alford landscape

The Alford Land Trust is a nonprofit member organization founded in 2003 by community residents to protect significant natural, agricultural, and scenic resources; and to promote and encourage land stewardship for the benefit of the environment, the economy, and future generations. Our Trust helps preserve Alford’s natural beauty and agrarian character by managing protected land and educating the community about land stewardship. We hope to increase awareness of the connection between land use decisions and quality of life in our region.

Berkshire Bird Observatory

At our October annual meeting Ben Nickley brought a wonderful presentation on the Berkshire Bird Observatory bird-banding project at Jug End Reservation.

Our Projects

Image of a trail in the woods
Elizabeth's Woods
Image of large tree in woods
Schiffman Woods
Image of field and hills
Alford Springs
Hardy Conservation Restriction
Image of hay field with round bales
Dunn Farm APR
Longmeadow Farm APR

In addition, these properties in the Alford Valley are also conserved: Scribner Brook Farm and the Wilcox family’s Twin Oaks Farm, both on West Road, and the Gardner Marble Mill on East Road.

Join the Land Trust

The Alford Land Trust is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Membership and donations are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.